Our Story
Act for Kids is an Australian for-purpose organisation that delivers evidence-based support services to children and families who have experienced or are at risk of harm. We have helped hundreds of thousands of children and families for over 30 years.

March 1988
Health professionals and the legal fraternity, establish The Abused Child Trust and launched a public campaign to fund a treatment and rehabilitation centre in Brisbane.

The Trust holds seminars for foster parents in Maryborough, Rockhampton, Townsville and Cairns. In 1997, a part-time counselling service is established for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders at Koolyangarra. The Trust wins the Albert & Rose Hingeley Service of Excellence Award for Childrens Services.

A treatment centre is established on the Gold Coast, and a part time outreach service is provided for Redcliffe and districts. In 2002 a treatment centre is opened in Townsville. The Trust is Highly Commended in the Excellence Category for Services by the National Council for the Prevention of Child Abuse.

2006 – 2007
A treatment centre is opened in Cairns, along with a second centre on the Gold Coast. The Platinum Class Lottery, a major fundraising initiative, is launched.

ACT for Kids begins its SafeKIDS program, opening Safe Houses in Napranum, Doomadgee, Pormpuraaw, Aurukun and Kowanyama.

2009 – 2010
ACT for Kids begins its SafeKIDS program, opening Safe Houses in Napranum, Doomadgee, Pormpuraaw, Aurukun and Kowanyama. Dr Neil Carrington is appointed CEO in August 2010.

2013 – 2015
The charity is rebranded Act for Kids and opens centres in Gympie, Maryborough, Ipswich, Toowoomba, Roma, and Adelaide. A Child and Family Centre of Excellence opens in Townsville. Act for Kids launches a social enterprise called Youthrive. SafeKIDS program wins the 2015 Queensland Reconciliation Award – Community category.

An integrated therapy centre is opened in Blacktown and an Early Education Program is launched in Cairns. Act for Kids now helps over 15,000 kids and families every year through 22 centres across Australia. The Learn to be safe with Emmy and friends protective behaviours program has been delivered to over 10,000 kids.

Dr Katrina Lines with the then Minister for Child Safety, Shannon Fentiman at a community centre in Rockhampton when we were successful in the tender for the Intensive Family Support (IFS) service.

The garden area at the Melbourne Broadmeadows Act for Kids center was renovated with support from the Property Industry Foundation.

Act for Kids wins Gold in the 2019 Human Resource Director (HRD) Employer of Choice Awards and were recognised as a top-performing company in the Leadership, Work-Life Balance, and Health and Wellbeing categories. Act for Kids now helps over 41,000 people every year through 26 centres across Australia.

On 24 March, 2021 – the Hon. Kevin Rudd, 27th Prime Minister of Australia, officially launched Act for Kids’ Reconciliation Action Plan for 2021-2023.
In August 2021, CEO Dr Katrina Lines announced that Act for Kids had redefined their Purpose to “help keep kids safe, heal from trauma and lead happy lives”.
Dr Lines also released the 2021-2024 Strategic Plan.