Don’t forget children and the shadow pandemic this Federal election as waiting lists continue blow out

22 April 2022





Act for Kids is calling on all sides of the government to address the significant allied health workforce shortages caused by the shadow pandemic of mental health problems which continues to impact thousands of Australian children.

Act for Kids alone has experienced a 30 per cent increase in referrals. Act for Kids’ Social Enterprise’ Youthrive currently has more than 700 children waiting for support services across South East Queensland.

“The borders have re-opened, the lockdowns have ended and schools are finally starting to re-adjust, however the allied health industry is still in the midst of its own pandemic with a serious shortage of psychologists and counsellors. In most cases, children are waiting many months to receive vital support,” said CEO Dr Katrina Lines.

“Sadly, we are continuing to see an increase in the number of families needing urgent support for significant mental health problems, including high levels of depression and extreme anxiety as a result of two years of the pandemic.”  

“We are urging the governments to consider the impacts of the shadow pandemic in their election pitches and policies. Children are our future and we need a serious commitment to ensure that they can get the support they deserve.”

Act for Kids joins other allied health services in calling for a financial commitment to specifically support the mental health and wellbeing of children. 

“We want to be able to meet the demands of children and their families, however like many community and health organisations, we are facing the significant challenge of securing philanthropic and government funding to support vulnerable children. We need serious action and a secure pathway out of the shadow pandemic.”

Act for Kids has written to all sides of government outlining the concerns raised above ahead of the Federal Election. 

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For Interview opportunities, please contact Jess Mumme:

M: 0427 794 666