The Property Industry spreads Christmas cheer to kids in need

18 December 2019





This month, the Property Council of Australia hosted their annual Christmas events in Victoria, Queensland and South Australia to celebrate the year that was and to raise vital funds for some of Australia’s most vulnerable kids.

Raising a combined total of almost $150,000, with more than 3,900 guests, the Property Industry Foundation raffle had three top prize winners walking away with all-expenses paid holidays to the Maldives and Hawaii.

The Property Industry Foundation Chair, Professor Greg Clark, said the events are a great opportunity to raise money and help support Act for Kids’ services.

“As a Foundation, we are committed to improving the lives of both the young homeless and kids at risk, and Act for Kids consistently demonstrates its strong impact with the latter,” he said.

Act for Kids CEO Dr Neil Carrington said a donation of this size is enough to provide 125 vulnerable kids with the life-changing therapy they need to overcome their trauma.

“It’s a festive end of year event where the guests are always beyond generous,” he said.

“This year’s donation combined will provide over 1,489 therapy hours in our Brisbane, Melbourne and Adelaide integrated therapy centres.”

“Christmas can be a really tough time for children who have experienced abuse, and this kind of support means that we are able to work with more children and get them on the road to recovery much faster.”

“We are so grateful for the Property Council of Australia and the Property Industry Foundation’s ongoing support and for helping us give more children the childhood they deserve,” Dr Carrington said.

Thank you to the Property Industry Foundation and Property Council of Australia for including Act for Kids in your end of year celebrations year after year.