Protective behaviour programs in schools

20 October 2020





Calls for our political leaders to commit to child protection in schools

There is growing concerns that protective behaviour programs in schools remain “hit and miss,” leaving vulnerable children exposed, without the confidence to seek help.

Act for Kids is calling on our political leaders across the nation to mandate evidence-based programs in schools.

Recent research conducted by the University of the Sunshine Coast confirmed family homes were the most “risky place” for child sexual abuse. This research indicated between 70 to 80 per cent of child sexual abuse occurs in domestic settings.

There were more than 5000 reports of children being sexually abused by family members in Australia over the past year. Sadly, this is not a true representation of the abuse happening in homes with many cases going unreported.

“To keep children safe from sexual, physical and emotional abuse and neglect, Act for Kids wants the governments to commit to a minimum evidence based standard for compulsory programs in schools,” Doctor Katrina Lines, Act for Kids Chief Executive Officer said.

Act for Kids has developed the only protective behaviours program in Australia, which underwent a world-class, multi-site, gold-standard randomised controlled trial.

“Our Learn to be safe with Emmy and friends program has now been delivered to more than 52 thousand children across the country, giving each child more confidence to identify when they don’t feel safe,” explained Dr Lines.

Act for Kids believes every child deserves the opportunity to access such programs, ensuring they can gain the confidence to seek help when they need it the most

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For interview opportunities, please contact Jess Mumme:
M: 0427 794 666
E: jess.mumme@actforkids.com.au