Thank You For Supporting Our Tax Appeal!

2 August 2018





Thank you for claiming something amazing this tax time, and supporting abused and neglected children.

We are so excited to share with you, that our 2018 Tax Appeal raised over $160,000 and will provide 1,600 therapy hours for vulnerable kids in need!

Your generous donations are already changing little lives and on behalf  of all the children we work with, THANK YOU SO MUCH!

The therapy that will be delivered to children across Australia will be life-changing, and a step in the right direction to give these children the safe and happy childhoods they deserve.

Four year old Grace, and kids like her are so lucky to have you on their side. Thank you for standing up to child abuse and neglect and for supporting our vision for all kids to have a safe and happy childhood. Without people like you our work would not be possible.

Thank you again for thinking of Act for Kids and standing up to child abuse. So much good comes from your generosity; thank you for sharing it.