Many kids experience devastating abuse and neglect at the hands of people they should be able to trust. They will need ongoing treatment and support, for many years to come. But there is always hope.

“For the first six years of his little life, eight-year-old Aiden was beaten, burned, threatened, and degraded.”
Dr. Katrina Lines,
CEO Act for Kids
Scared and alone
He was sexually abused by his older stepbrother starting when he was four, and when Aiden reported the abuse, he was abused more by his parents. For years he tried to care for and protect his younger sibling from the daily abuse he experienced. Aiden was removed from his parents and is now living with his Aunty Donna.
Struggles with nightmares
Life with Aunty Donna is safe, but Aiden struggles with nightmares, cannot sleep independently, soils himself, is scared, becomes easily angry, doesn’t cope with change and having friends is hard. The trauma he has endured will significantly affect his future. However, with the vital trauma-informed support and therapy from Act for Kids, Aiden is starting to heal.

” After seven months, Aiden is now sleeping and toileting independently, and is concentrating better at school. “
How we helped
Social situations are still a struggle, but he is trying to use his new skills. Aiden is being supported to make sense of all the ‘bad’ things that have happened to him in his short life.
Act for Kids therapists, together with Aunty Donna, are working hard to create a safer environment for Aiden to ensure he will continue to grow and develop and have a brighter and happy future.

“He understands his feelings better and has learnt to use various strategies for coping and to self-regulate his angry outbursts.”
The Bigger Problem
…were abused or neglected
…every 13 minutes
Under 12 Months
Most likely
…to be abused or neglected
Source: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Child protection Australia 2019-20.
Abuse and neglect
The majority (54%) experience emotional abuse, followed by neglect (22%). One in five (14%) experience physical abuse and 9% experience sexual abuse.
Abuse and neglect can impact a child’s brain development, how they feel and think about themselves, how successful they are at school, even their physical development and skills. In the long term this can lead to drug and alcohol abuse, mental illness, difficulty developing and maintaining good relationships, unemployment and all sorts of social disadvantage.
Early intervention makes the world of difference
It takes a lot of hard play to heal little hearts. But, with early, trauma-informed support, we can give kids a second chance at childhood.
Thank you for helping us give kids like Aiden a safe and happy childhood, free from abuse and neglect.

How you can help
We can’t do this important work without your help. We rely heavily on donations to support our intensive therapy programs for abused and neglected kids, and early support for families at risk. Your donation will help us keep our doors open and expand our services.