Kaye is a registered psychologist with 23 years’ experience. Dr Pickering has a doctorate in clinical psychology and has worked with clients in both inpatient and outpatient settings and her interests include childhood trauma, child development and infant mental health.

As Executive Director | Service Operations, Dr Pickering is responsible for staff across a range of programs that include case management family support programs, multidisciplinary therapy, protective behaviours programs for children, sexual abuse counselling, residential care in remote Indigenous communities, specialist playgroup programs for vulnerable families and multidisciplinary specialist early education programs for highly traumatised children.
Her work with Act for Kids over the past eighteen years has provided her with extensive knowledge of the trauma suffered by children who experience abuse and neglect and has enabled her to lead a team focused on providing parents with the skills needed to raise healthy, happy children. In addition to leading a large multidisciplinary team, Dr Pickering assisted in the development of the Learn to be safe with Emmy and friends protective behaviours program and has supervised many postgraduate psychology students.
Dr Pickering is a member of the Australian Psychological Society and the Child Protection Practitioners Association of Queensland. She also represents Act for Kids at many government and non government forums, workshops and committees.