Phillip Hogan


Joining Act for Kids in 2023, Phill’s role as Director, Out of Home Care Services sees him overseeing operation of six residential safe houses in in Doomadgee, Aurukun, Kowanyama, Napranum and Pormpuraaw, and the Family Reunification House in Cairns.

Having grown up and lived in remote communities for over half of his life, Phill has a deep understanding of the challenges and complexities of living and working in our Gulf and Cape communities.

Phill holds tertiary qualification in pubilc sector management and has worked in Kalkadoon, Waanyi and Gangalidda country with First Nations Health Workers, as well as every community throughout the cape at one point or another. More recently, he has worked within the community services sector as a Program Manager for multiple programs across the Far North, working specifically with First Nations young people and their families.

Phill is passionate about supporting his teams, celebrating the important work they do and the positive changes they are able to make in people’s lives.