Sexual Abuse Counselling Service (SACS)
The Sexual Abuse Counselling Service (SACS) is a program designed to provide individual, centre-based and outreach counselling to children and young people.
This program is available to children and young people who have experienced sexual abuse and/or who exhibit sexually reactive behaviour and their protective parents and carers.
The program is funded by the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women and only takes referrals from Child Safety Services. The Southern Queensland service is an outreach model while the Townsville service provides both centre-based and outreach support.
How we help
We help children and young people understand that what happened wasn’t their fault, and work with them on ways that they can reclaim their physical and emotional space and confidence, and empower them to act protectively.

Goals often include:
- lessening the negative impacts of their sexual abuse experience
- encouraging open communication within the family
- equipping parents or carers to support the child involved
- improving the child’s and the parent’s ability to create a safe environment
- addressing sexually reactive behaviour
- A young person (18 years or under) who has experienced unwanted sexual contact.
- A child (12 years or under) who displays early problematic or reactive sexual behaviours.
- A parent or carer who requires information about supporting a child impacted by sexual abuse or trauma.
- A young person who has experienced non-sexual trauma and needs support to work through their experiences.
In South Queensland, this is an outreach service available to children and families living in the Wynnum, Beenleigh and Redlands Bay regions. A referral from Bayside or Beenleigh Child Safety Services is required for this program. It is not necessary for Child Safety to be involved after the referral is made. For more information about this process please call (07) 5656 8600.
In North Queensland, the Townsville service provides both centre-based and outreach support. A referral from Child Safety Services is required for this program. For more information please call (07) 4755 8777.